A New Year?

Here we are at another new year, another complete trip around the sun which measures a year’s time.  But why start the year in January?  Why not March?  Well, in fact, the new year did once start in March according to the Roman calendar prior to 715 BCE.  But Roman King Numa Pompillius changed the year’s beginning to January.  Theoretically, any day can be the beginning of a new year as long as you don’t mind being out of sync with everyone else.  A year is a year, no matter where it starts. In fact, every day presents us with newness, indeed every minute.  Ultimately this means we have a constant flow of opportunities to use as we choose.  All we need to do is to be aware of opportunities and choose to take advantage of them. 

But sometimes, we “sleepwalk” through life, missing new moments and the opportunities they bring.  Perhaps, if we commit ourselves to the awareness of new moments and new opportunities, we could make our lives just a little better.  We do not need a calendar to save money, make friends, tend to physical health, solve problems, or improve ourselves.  Did you see it?  Several new moments have passed, and with them, the opportunities they held.  But here comes more. 

When the burden is heavy, the pain intense, and the work difficult, it becomes easy to think about giving up.  But as the 60’s song went, “tomorrow’s gonna be another day.”  Choosing action can be difficult and may require courage.  But action can turn new moments and opportunities into good things, perhaps great things.  More opportunities!  When I have a family.  When I reach a certain age.  When I graduate.  When I find a new job.  When I own a house.  When I get married.  All these represent the things that keep us asleep and unaware of approaching new moments and opportunities.  Waiting can occasionally be wise.  But more often, it steals our chances at making things better today.

New moments and opportunities to act are coming!  Claim and use them.  It can be life-changing.


I’m Not Your Black Superwoman


Happy Holidays 2022